Hi there!
My name is LI Xian (Lance), and I am a designer and HCI researcher.
About Me
Hi, there! I’m LIXian, I am currently working as a Research Assistant in the ai{DEAL} Studio at the Southern University of Science and Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Pengcheng AN. I will be joining HKUST (GZ) this September to pursue the M.Phill. degree in the Thrust of Computational Media and Arts (CMA). Previously, I received my B.Eng. degree of Industrial Design at School of Design, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in July 2024.
I am interested in leveraging the combination of design and technology to better serve the real world.
My current research interests include Human-AI Collaboration, Accessibility, and Social Computing. Specifically, I am currently working on 3 projects:
- Investigating the ethical concerns in emerging Community-Generated AI Chatbot platforms.
- Designing gamified interactions to encourage light exercise during remote video conferences.
- Developing LLM-driven educational technology.
You can download my CV here:
Li, X., Han, Y., Liu, D., An, P., & Niu, S. (2024). FlowGPT: Exploring Domains, Output Modalities, and Goals of Community-Generated AI Chatbots. arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.00512. PDF
2020.9 ~ 2024.7
B.Eng in Industrial Design, Southern University of Science and Technology,
Shenzhen, China.
2020.9 ~ now
M.Phill, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou),
Guangzhou, China.
Work Experience
Recent News
Paper Accepts!
Our paper titled “FlowGPT: Exploring Domains, Output Modalities, and Goals of Community-Generated AI Chatbots” has been accepted by CSCW Companion ’24.
To be continue…
To be continue…